December 09, 2004

Watch out for the girls

You see them everywhere in Tokyo, in big groups or just two and two, Japanese schoolgirls in their uniforms on their way to school or on their way back home. The pattern of their skirts may vary and so does the length.

The usually blue school bag hangs from their shoulders and their mobiles are covered by stickers and beads with toys and bells hanging down. They giggle and talk loud in the trains and I’m always curious what they are saying. My Japanese friend told me they usually have their own language based on slang and colloquial language so it might be hard even for a Japanese person to fully understand them.

Personally they make me feel a little uncomfortable since I’m picturing the wild and evil Japanese school girl (Go-go Yubari) in my head from Quentin Tarantino’s movie “Kill Bill 1”. I can’t help it, they look so young and harmless but you never know, they might carry a sword in their handbag, who knows?


Posted by maria at December 9, 2004 01:17 PM