December 02, 2004

Three Japanese women

There are three women in my Tokyo life. They are close friends to me and I always have a good time hanging out with each one of them.

She’s 22 and speaks Japanese, English and French – wow. She is my roommate but I don’t see her too much because she’s a hard working girl (a receptionist in a French food company as well as late nights in a movie theatre). We eat Korean barbecue, go to art exhibitions and cook Swedish/Japanese food together. Her passion is traveling and her most recent trip was to the Maldives.


A 25 year-old computer programmer who is crazy about New York City, Jack Daniel’s and Jean Paul Gaultier. Her balcony is always sunny and has a great view of central Ikebukuru. Nana knows the best restaurants and bars in Tokyo. She is a warm and generous person but still she seems scary to some people.


She is a role model in many ways. 64 years old and travels around the world on her own. Tomoko is working as a nurse and enjoys scuba diving and aerobics when she's off duty. She cooks the best Japanese food I’ve ever had. We randomly met in Lisbon in 2002, but she usually lives in Saitama with her husband, her youngest son and a cat named Mikjang.


Posted by maria at December 2, 2004 11:53 AM